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Brewer's: O'lio

or Oglio. A mixture or medley of any sort. (Spanish, olla, a pot for boiling similar to what the French call their pot au feu. The olio is the mixture of bread, vegetables, spices, meat,…

Brewer's: Barley Sugar

Sugar boiled in a decoction of barley. It is not now made so, but with saffron, sugar, and water, flavoured with oil of citron, orange, or lemon. “Barley sugar was prepared by boiling down…

Brewer's: Medea's Kettle

or Caldron, to boil the old into youth again. Medea, the sorceress, cut an old ram to pieces, and, throwing the pieces into her caldron, the old ram came forth a young lamb. The daughters…

Brewer's: Stone Soup

or St. Bernard's Soup. A beggar asked alms at a lordly mansion, but was told by the servants they had nothing to give him. “Sorry for it,” said the man, “but will you let me boil a little…

Brewer's: Bubble

(A) “The whole scheme [the Fenian raid on British America] was a collapsed bubble.”- The Times. The Bubble Act, 6 George I., cap. 18; published 1719, and repealed July 5th, 1825. Its…

Origin of Life: Spontaneous Generation

Spontaneous Generation Origin of Life Introduction Spontaneous Generation Early Earth Environment It was once believed that life could come from nonliving things, such as mice from corn, flies…

molecular weight

(Encyclopedia) molecular weight, weight of a molecule of a substance expressed in atomic mass units (amu). The molecular weight may be calculated from the molecular formula of the substance; it is…