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1980s History

/* /*]]>*/ The 1980s were not only a decade of significant pop culture, but it was also a transformative decade for the entire world. How well do you know the 1980s?

History & Biography

Frederick Doulgass' autobiographical account of Southern slavery caused a massive stir on its release.Attitudes in the United States (and everywhere) have long been shaped by the histories handed…

Ancient History

The World of Antiquity The Great Fire of Rome was one of ancient history's most famous disastersBeginning with the Earth's formation, through to the beginning of the modern day, fan favorites like…

History of the Calendar

How time flies The purpose of the calendar is to reckon past or future time, to show how many days until a certain event takes place—the harvest or a religious festival—or how long since something…

World History

Subjects » Geography » History » Language Arts » Mathematics » Science » Social Studies Homework Skills Writing | Research Speaking & Listening Studying Reference Sources…

The History of Adoption

Ancient adoptions were not always in the interest of the child by Beth Rowen Related Links Slideshow: Famous Adoptees or Adopters U.S. State Department Statistics on…

U.S. History Timeline: 1850–1899

Top of Page Source: Getty ImagesThe Civil War and the Reconstruction period that followed are among the signal events of American History. The roots of the conflict run deep, and its effects are…

Meiss, Millard

(Encyclopedia) Meiss, MillardMeiss, Millardmēs [key], 1904–75, American art historian, b. Cincinnati. Meiss taught art history at Columbia from 1934 to 1953 and thereafter was professor at Harvard…

Milestone Cases in Supreme Court History

Read about landmark cases that have changed history, from Marbury v. Madison to the challenge to Obamacare. 1803Marbury v. Madison was the first instance in which a law passed by Congress…