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The History of Women's History

Related Links The Wage Gap Women's Earnings as Percentage of Men's Mean Annual Earnings by Level of Education Women in the Civilian Labor Force 20 Leading Occupations of…


(Encyclopedia) plague, any contagious, malignant, epidemic disease, in particular the bubonic plague and the black plague (or Black Death), both forms of the same infection. These acute febrile…

Justice Hugo Black

The Question: Recently, I learned that Justice Hugo Black was once a member of the KKK. With that in mind, do you know why he decided to go along with the other justices in the unanimous decision…

Black Elk Biography

Black ElkOglala Lakota holy manBorn: 1863Birthplace: Little Powder River, Wyoming Black Elk's life encompassed the U.S.-Sioux wars, the Battle of the Little Big Horn, and the 1890 massacre at…

Black Hawk Biography

Black Hawk MacataimeshekiakiakSauk leaderBorn: 1768Birthplace: Saukenuk, Ill. In the late 18th century, the Indians of the upper Mississippi Valley witnessed the replacement of the relatively…

Union League Clubs

(Encyclopedia) Union League Clubs, in U.S. history, organizations formed throughout the North in the Civil War after the military defeats and Republican election losses of 1862. A convention at…

2001 World History

Yasir Arafat(1929–2004)Ariel Sharon(1928– )Mohammad Khatami(1943–)World Trade CenterHamid Karzai(1957– )2001Congo president Laurent Kabila assassinated by bodyguard (Jan. 16). In final days…

Hugo LaFayette Black

Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1886–1971, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1937–71), b. Harlan, Clay co., Ala. He received his law degree from the Univ. of Alabama in 1906. He practiced law…

Turner, Nat

(Encyclopedia) Turner, Nat, 1800–1831, American slave, leader of the Southampton Insurrection (1831), b. Southampton co., Va. Deeply religious from…