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Laffitte, Jacques

(Encyclopedia) Laffitte, JacquesLaffitte, Jacqueszhäk läfētˈ [key], 1767–1844, French banker and politician. He rose from poverty to become one of the wealthiest and most influential men in France.…

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth

(Encyclopedia) Kübler-Ross, ElisabethKübler-Ross, Elisabethk&oomacr;ˈblər-rôsˈ [key], 1926–2004, American psychiatrist, b. Switzerland. After studying medicine at the Univ. of Zürich (M.D. 1957…

Lucaris, Cyril

(Encyclopedia) Lucaris, CyrilLucaris, Cyrilly&oomacr;kāˈrĭs [key], 1572–1637, Greek churchman, b. Crete (then belonging to Venice). He studied at Venice and Padua and was elected patriarch of…

Dempsey, Jack

(Encyclopedia) Dempsey, Jack (William Harrison Dempsey), 1895–1983, American boxer, b. Manassa, Colo. Dempsey, called the “Manassa Mauler,” emerged from fights on saloon floors near mining camps to…

Chissano, Joaquim Alberto

(Encyclopedia) Chissano, Joaquim Alberto, 1939–, Mozambican political leader. A founding member of the Mozambican Liberation Front (Frelimo), he rose to become a major general in the organization,…

Akayev, Askar

(Encyclopedia) Akayev, AskarAkayev, Askaräsˈkär äkäˈyĕv [key], 1944–, Kyrgyzstani political leader. A physicist, he was educated (grad. 1967), and then taught, in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).…

Abdel Aziz, Mohamed Ould

(Encyclopedia) Abdel Aziz, Mohamed Ould, 1956–, Mauritanian military and political leader, president of Mauritania (2009–19). A career army officer, he rose through the ranks to become chief of staff…

Dye, Pete

(Encyclopedia) Dye, Pete (Paul Dye, Jr.), 1925–2020, American golf course architect, often regarded as the father of modern golf course architecture, b. Urbana, Ohio. He was a successful amateur…


(Encyclopedia) hospital, institution for the care of the sick, maintained by private endowment or public funds or both. General hospitals minister to all types of illness, while special hospitals are…

Henson, Josiah

(Encyclopedia) Henson, Josiah, 1789–1883, black slave, reputedly the basis of the character of Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom's Cabin, b. Charles co., Md. In 1825 he faithfully led a party of his master's…