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Gordon, Patrick

(Encyclopedia) Gordon, Patrick, 1635–99, Scottish soldier of fortune and Russian general, b. Scotland. After serving alternately on both sides in the war between Sweden and Poland (1655–60), he…

Illinois, University of

(Encyclopedia) Illinois, University of, main campus at Urbana-Champaign; land-grant with state and federal support; coeducational; chartered 1867, opened 1868 as Illinois Industrial Univ., renamed…


(Encyclopedia) Hsinchu or Hsin-chu Hsinchu both: shĭnˈj&oomacr;ˈ [key], city, NW Taiwan. The city and surrounding…

Joint Chiefs of Staff

(Encyclopedia) Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. statutory agency, created in 1949 within the Dept. of Defense. The chairman is the principal military adviser to the President, the National Security…

Louis III, French king

(Encyclopedia) Louis III, c.863–882, French king, son of King Louis II. He became joint ruler with his brother Carloman on the death of Louis II (879), despite the attempts of Louis the Younger to…

Lovejoy, Owen

(Encyclopedia) Lovejoy, Owen, 1811–64, American abolitionist, b. Albion, Maine, educated at Bowdoin College. He witnessed the killing of his brother Elijah P. Lovejoy, under whom he had studied for…

ash, in chemistry

(Encyclopedia) ash, in chemistry, solid residue of combustion. The chemical composition of an ash depends on that of the substance burned. Wood ash contains metal carbonates (e.g., potassium…

Augsburg, Peace of

(Encyclopedia) Augsburg, Peace of, 1555, temporary settlement within the Holy Roman Empire of the religious conflict arising from the Reformation. Each prince was to determine whether Lutheranism or…

Medici, Ferdinand I de'

(Encyclopedia) Medici, Ferdinand I de', 1549–1609, grand duke of Tuscany (1587–1609); brother and successor of Francesco de' Medici. He was made a cardinal in his youth, and he built the famous Villa…

Alcoholics Anonymous

(Encyclopedia) Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), worldwide organization dedicated to the treatment of alcoholics; founded 1935 by two alcoholics, one a New York broker, the other an Ohio physician. They…