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White Sands

(Encyclopedia) White Sands, uninhabited desert area, S central N.Mex. It is a center for U.S. military-weapons research and testing. On July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb was exploded at Holloman…

Crystal Lake

(Encyclopedia) Crystal Lake, city (2020 pop. 40,269), McHenry co., NE Ill., in a farming area; inc. 1874. Electrical components, tools, plastics, and…

Arden, Forest of

(Encyclopedia) Arden, Forest of, well-wooded area, formerly very extensive, in Warwickshire, central England. It is the setting for Shakespeare's As You Like It.

Hillcrest Heights

(Encyclopedia) Hillcrest Heights, uninc. residential town (2020 pop. 15,793), Prince Georges co., W central Md., a suburb of Washington, D.C. It is…


(Encyclopedia) Woodridge, village (1990 pop. 26,256), Du Page co., NE Ill.; inc. 1959. It is a growing residential community W of Chicago, in a wooded and farm area.

Komi Republic

(Encyclopedia) Komi Republic, constituent republic (1990 pop. 1,270,000), c.160,000 sq mi (414,400 sq km), NE European Russia. Syktyvkar is the capital. The region is a wooded lowland, stretching…

Krasnoyarsk Territory

(Encyclopedia) Krasnoyarsk Territory, administrative division (1989 pop. 3,595,000), c.928,000 sq mi (2,403,520 sq km), central Siberian Russia, extending from the Sayan Mts. and the Minusinsk basin…


(Encyclopedia) Marion. 1 City (1990 pop. 14,545), seat of Williamson co., S Ill.; inc. 1841. It is the commercial and retail center of a farm and coal area and has a large soft drink bottling plant.…


(Encyclopedia) pharynxpharynxfârˈĭngks [key], area of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts which lies between the mouth and the esophagus. In humans, the pharynx is a cone-shaped tube about 41…


(Encyclopedia) PeoriaPeoriapēôrˈēə [key]. 1 City (1990 pop. 50,618), Maricopa co., central Ariz., a suburb of Phoenix; settled 1897, inc. 1954. With the completion of the Arizona Canal in 1885, the…