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Displaying 421 - 430

Air Traffic Controller

Eric Tell us about your work---what do you do? I provide for a safe and expeditious flow of airplanes through a portion of the sky. What skills are…

The Bismarck

Fearsome Nazi ship, short career on the seas by Gerry Brown Launched Feb. 14, 1939 and named for former German chancellor Otto von Bismarck the fearsome Bismarck was the most…

Dog Days of Summer

The origins of the name for the most sultry days of the season Related Links The Great American Summer Guide Weather Lightning Advice Dog Days is the name for the most sultry…

Royal Biographies: Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones

Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones by David Johnson Related Links Royal Family TreeThe Queen MotherPrincess MargaretViscount Linley Born in 1964, Lady Sarah Frances Elizabeth is the second…

The Amistad

The Spanish schooner and its slaves who fueled proslavery ire by Ricco Villanueva Siasoco Steven Spielberg popularized the story of the Spanish slave ship Amistad in his acclaimed 1998 film…

II. Ozone Depletion

For over 50 years, chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, were thought of as miracle substances. They are stable, nonflammable, low in toxicity, and inexpensive to produce. Over time, CFCs found uses…

Black Scientists & Inventors

Benjamin Banneker, Thomas Jennings, other exceptional scientists by Ann Marie Imbornoni Madame C.J. Walker Related Links Black History Month FeaturesAfrican American History…

George Washington Carver Biography

George Washington Carvereducator, scientistBorn: 1864Birthplace: Diamond Grove, Mo. After a university in Kansas refused to admit him because he was African American, George Washington Carver…

Lloyd Augustus Hall Biography

Lloyd Augustus HallchemistBorn: 6/20/1894Birthplace: Elgin, Ill. Lloyd Augustus Hall's work in chemistry revolutionized the meatpacking industry. Before accepting a position as chief chemist…