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Displaying 161 - 170

The Supreme Court: Taxing the Populace

Taxing the Populace The Supreme Court Taxing the Populace Taxes on Employee's Tip Income Gambling Taxes Collected at Native American Reservations Sales Taxes on Mail Orders As we discussed in…

The Supreme Court: Testing for Drugs

Testing for DrugsThe Supreme CourtEducating Our KidsPunishing StudentsTesting for DrugsDealing with Sexual HarassmentLegalizing School Vouchers Drug-free schools are a slogan you see in many…

The Supreme Court: Using Marijuana

Using MarijuanaThe Supreme CourtControlling Our BodiesLimiting Abortion RightsDenying the Right to DieUsing MarijuanaForcing Drug Tests One way that states are trying to help patients deal…

Brewer's: Hampton Court Conference

A conference held at Hampton Court in January, 1604, to settle the disputes between the Church party and the Puritans. It lasted three days, and its result was a few slight alterations in…

Supreme Court Decisions Online

The Question: Is there a place on the Web where it is possible to be alerted everyday to the decisions of the Supreme Court? The Answer: There…

Supreme Court Justices in 1896

The Question: I would like to know the names of the U.S. Supreme Court justices in 1896 and the states that they came from. I have obtained the full names of…

Youngest Supreme Court Justice

The Question: Who is the youngest person ever appointed to the Supreme Court? The Answer: The youngest person ever appointed to the U.S.…

Brewer's: Court Holy Water

Fair speeches, which look like promises of favour, but end in nothing. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Court PlasterCourt Fools A B C D E F G H I…

Brewer's: Court of Pie-powder

(See Pie Poudre.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Court of the GentilesCourt of Love A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X…