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Brewer's: Traitors' Bridge

A loyal heart may be landed under Traitors' Bridge. Traitor's Bridge, in the Tower, was the was by which persons charged with high treason entered that State prison. Source: Dictionary…

2000-01 Season Recap for the Tour de France

Thrice as Nice Is there anything left for this man to do? Simply put, no conversation about the most amazing accomplishments in sports history is complete without a discussion of Lance Armstrong…

Icebergs Ahoy

Monster bergs on the loose by Holly Hartman Antarctic icebergs RELATED LINKS See Pictures of B15!AntarcticaNorth Atlantic IcebergsSpotlight on the TitanicIn early 2000, an iceberg covering…

Facts about U.S. Elections

Facts about U.S. elections About U.S. Elections Campaign 2008Who Can Vote and Who Can Be ElectedWhy Is Election Day Tuesday?Residency Requirements for VotingElections in the United…

Brewer's: Putting on Side

Giving oneself airs. Side is an archaic word for a train or trailing gown; also long, as “his beard was side.” A side-coat means a long trailing coat. (Anglo-Saxon sid, great, wide, long-…

Famous Firsts by LGBT Americans

  Some early accomplishments by LGBT Americans LGBT Firsts: Government1 Local elected lesbian official: Kathy Kozachenko, 1974, Ann Arbor City Council, Mich. Local elected gay official: Harvey…

Brewer's: Tragedy

The goat-song (Greek, tragos-ode). The song that wins the goat as a prize. This is the explanation given by Horace ( De Arte Poetica, 220). (See Comedy.) Tragedy. The first English…