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Troubetzkoy, Paul, Prince

(Encyclopedia) Troubetzkoy, Paul, PrinceTroubetzkoy, Paul, Princetr&oomacr;bĕtskoiˈ, tr&oomacr;bĕtsˈkoi, Rus. tr&oomacr;byĭtskoiˈ [key], 1866–1938, Russian sculptor, b. Italy. The son of…


(Encyclopedia) parasite, plant or animal that at some stage of its existence obtains its nourishment from another living organism called the host. Parasites may or may not harm the host, but they…


(Encyclopedia) charcoal, substance obtained by partial burning or carbonization (destructive distillation) of organic material. It is largely pure carbon. The entry of air during the carbonization…


(Encyclopedia) radioimmunoassay (RIA), highly sensitive laboratory technique used to measure minute amounts of substances including antigens, hormones, and drugs present in the body. The substance or…

kitchen midden

(Encyclopedia) kitchen midden, refuse heap left by a prehistoric settlement; more specifically, a deposit consisting primarily of discarded shell and related cultural material in coastal environments…


(Encyclopedia) gooseflesh, temporary rumpling of the skin into tiny bumps, also called goose bumps and goose pimples, and technically known as cutis ansirina. In response to cold or certain emotional…


(Encyclopedia) LupercaliaLupercalial&oomacr;pərkālˈyə [key], ancient Roman festival held annually on Feb. 15. The ceremony of the festival was intended to secure fertility and keep out evil. Two…

Mayer, Julius Robert von

(Encyclopedia) Mayer, Julius Robert von, 1814–78, German physician and physicist, studied medicine at Tübingen, Munich, and Paris. From a consideration of the generation of animal heat, he was led to…

Chevreul, Michel Eugène

(Encyclopedia) Chevreul, Michel EugèneChevreul, Michel Eugènemēshĕlˈ özhĕnˈ shəvrölˈ [key], 1786–1889, French chemist. He studied under L. N. Vauquelin, was director of the Gobelin tapestry works,…