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(Encyclopedia) asthenosphereasthenosphereăsthēnˈəsfēr [key], region in the upper mantle of the earth's interior, characterized by low-density, semiplastic (or partially molten) rock material…

waters, territorial

(Encyclopedia) waters, territorial, all waters within the jurisdiction, recognized in international law, of a country. Certain waters by their situation are controlled by one nation; these include…

Panama Canal Zone

(Encyclopedia) Panama Canal Zone, former territory within Panama, 553 sq mi (1,432 sq km), that was administered by the United States under a 1903 treaty (with later amendments) with Panama. The zone…

Colón, city, Panama

(Encyclopedia) Colón, city, Panama, at the Caribbean end of the Panama Canal. Colón, the second largest city in Panama, was surrounded by, but not part…

Tangier, city, Morocco

(Encyclopedia) TangierTangiertănjērˈ [key], ancient Tingis, city (1994 pop. 497,147), N Morocco, on the Strait of Gibraltar. The city has a busy port and building, fishing, and textiles industries.…

Magoon, Charles Edward

(Encyclopedia) Magoon, Charles EdwardMagoon, Charles Edwardməg&oomacr;nˈ [key], 1861–1920, American administrator, b. Steele co., Minn. As an attorney (1899–1904) for the Bureau of Insular…