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Displaying 381 - 390

Brewer's: Plato's Year

A revolution of 25,000 years, in which period the stars and constellations return to their former places in respect to the equinoxes. Cut out more work than can be done In Plato's year,…

Brewer's: T'Year

i.e. to-year; as, to-day, to-night, to-morrow. (Anglo-Saxon, to-doege, to-geare.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894TykeTyburnia A B C D E F G H I J…

Brewer's: Sothic Year

The Persian year consists of 365 days, so that a day is lost in four years, and the lost bits in the course of 1,460 years amount to a year. This period of 1,460 years is called a sothic…

IRL Rookie of the Year

Officially the Chevy Rookie of the Year Award, presented to rookie driver who accumulates the most points in the IRL standings. Year…

Brewer's: Mar's Year

The year 1715, noted for the rebellion of the Earl of Mar Auld uncle John wha wedlock's joys. Sin Mar's year did desire. Burns: Halloween, 27 Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E…

A History of the New Year

A move from March to January New Year's Features New Year's Traditions Rosh Hashannah, Jewish New Year Chinese New Year Muharram, Islamic New Year Saying "Happy New Year!"…

Quiz: The Year 1992

1992 was filled with significant events, from the Barcelona Olympics to the premiere of a popular cartoon series. Test your knowledge and see how much you remember about the year.

Quiz: The Year 1994

Are you ready to test your knowledge on the year 1994? This quiz will challenge your memory on the events that shaped that year. Get ready to travel back in time and answer about the world of 199From…