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Presidential Primary & Caucus Dates 2008

State primaries vary from state to state. These dates are tentative and subject to change. For update information, go the the Federal Election Commission. STATE PRIMARY DATE CAUCUS…

Video Archive

KIDSPIRATION VIDEOS A variety of interesting subjects—kids interviewing professional experts about their unique jobs!     ANIMAL SENSES   Bear and Chipmunk: Hibernation Bulldog…

Brewer's: Giants

(g soft). (1) Of Greek mythology, sons of Tartaros and Ge. When they attempted to storm heaven, they were hurled to earth by the aid of Hercules, and buried under Mount Etna. (2) Of…

Feature Schedule

Jan. 2000 Feature Schedule Note: This schedule lists only the day's lead feature(s). Five to ten articles are featured daily. Schedule is subject to change.Dec. 1999 | Feb. 2000 Monday…

Animal Jokes

Do YOU know what's little and quick and has 32 wheels? Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! Why did the chicken cross the Internet? To get to the…

The Presidential Gallery

An illustrated guide to the presidents of the United States [ Go to the First Ladies Gallery or the Presidential Factfile! ] Barack Obama2009–Present George W. Bush2001–2009…