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Displaying 251 - 260

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 25, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 24, 1804May 26, 1804May 25, 1804 25 May Set out early Course West to a Point on Sbd. Side at 2 Miles passd a Willow Isd. in a Bend to the…

Orland Kay ARMSTRONG, Congress, MO (1893-1987)

ARMSTRONG Orland Kay , a Representative from Missouri; born in Willow Springs, Howell County, Mo., October 2, 1893; Drury College, Springfield, Mo., A.B., 1916; Cumberland University Law School,…

Katharine Lee Bates: Yellow Warblers

Yellow WarblersKatharine Lee BatesThe first faint dawn was flushing up the skies When, dreamland still bewildering mine eyes, I looked out to the oak that, winter-long, — a winter wild with…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 29, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 28, 1804May 30, 1804May 29, 1804 Tuesday 29th May Sent out hunters, got a morning obsvtn and one at 12 oClock, rained last night, the river…