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Hewlett, William Redington

(Encyclopedia) Hewlett, William RedingtonHewlett, William Redingtonhy&oomacr;ˈlĭt [key], 1913–2001, American engineer and business executive, b. Ann Arbor, Mich., grad. Stanford (B.S. 1934,…

Sunderland, Robert Spencer, 2d earl of

(Encyclopedia) Sunderland, Robert Spencer, 2d earl of, 1641–1702, English statesman. He succeeded to the earldom in 1643. During the reign of Charles II he served on various diplomatic missions and…

Grand Alliance, War of the

(Encyclopedia) Grand Alliance, War of the, 1688–97, war between France and a coalition of European powers, known as the League of Augsburg (and, after 1689, as the Grand Alliance). Louis XIV of…

Burroughs, William Seward

(Encyclopedia) Burroughs, William Seward, 1914–97, American novelist, b. St. Louis, grad. Harvard, 1936, moved to New York City, 1943. He was an elder member of the beat generation. Junkie (1953),…

Bent's Fort

(Encyclopedia) Bent's Fort, trading post of the American West, on the Arkansas River in present-day SE Colorado, E of Rocky Ford and La Junta and several miles above the mouth of the Purgatoire. The…

Brewer's: Break of Day

Day-break. “`At break of day I will come to thee again.” Wordsworth: Pet Lamb, stanza 15. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Break the IceBreak In A B C D…

Brewer's: Bristol Boy

(The) “The marvellous boy The sleepless soul that perished in his pride.” Wordsworth: Resolution and Independence. Bristol Diamonds Brilliant crystals of colourless quartz found in St.…

Brewer's: Tintern Abbey

Wordsworth has a poem called Lines Composed a few Miles above Tintern Abbey, but these lines have nothing whatever to do with the famous ruin, not even once alluding to it. Source:…

Brewer's: Batavia

The Netherlands; so called from the Batavi, a Celtic tribe who dwelt there. “Flat Batavia's willowy groves.” Wordsworth Bate me an Ace (See Bolton.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Elidure

(3 syl.). A legendary king of Britain, advanced to the throne in place of his elder brother, Arthgallo, supposed by him to be dead. Arthgallo, after a long exile, returned to his country,…