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Lewis & Clark: Camping by the Pacific

by NoahBrooks From Tidewater to the SeaWith Faces turned HomewardCamping by the Pacific Next in importance to the building of a winter camp was the fixing of a place…

Camping by the Pacific

Chapter 17 Chapter 19 Camping by the Pacific Next in importance to the building of a winter camp was the fixing of a place where salt could be made. Salt is absolutely necessary…

Wilkes, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Wilkes, Charles, 1798–1877, American naval officer and explorer, b. New York City, educated by his father. In 1815 he entered the merchant service and received (1818) an appointment as…

Brewer's: Crow's-Nest

(The), in a Greenlander's galley, is a small room constructed of staves, something like an empty cask. It is fitted up with seats and other conveniences, and here the person on watch…