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Paris, city, France

(Encyclopedia) ParisParispârˈĭs, Fr. pärēˈ [key], city (1999 pop. 2,115,757; metropolitan area est. pop. 11,000,000), N central France, capital of the country, on the Seine River. It is the…

Russian literature

(Encyclopedia) Russian literature, literary works mainly produced in the historic area of Russia, written in its earliest days in Church Slavonic and after the 17th cent. in the Russian language.…

Renaissance art and architecture

(Encyclopedia) Renaissance art and architecture, works of art and structures produced in Europe during the Renaissance. In England the Renaissance flowered in the middle of the 16th cent. The…

Morocco, country, Africa

(Encyclopedia) CE5 MoroccoMoroccomərŏkˈō [key], officially Kingdom of Morocco, kingdom (2015 est. pop. 34,803,000), 171,834 sq mi (445,050 sq km), NW Africa. Morocco is bordered by the…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Bangladesh Bangladesh bäng-lädĕshˈ, băng– [key] [Bengali,=Bengal nation], officially People's…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 DenmarkDenmarkdĕnˈmärk [key], Dan. Danmark, officially Kingdom of Denmark, kingdom (2015 est. pop. 5,689,000), 16,629 sq mi (43,069 sq km), N Europe. It borders on Germany in…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Finland, Finnish SuomiFinland,swôˈmē [key], officially Republic of Finland, republic (2015 est. pop. 5,482,000), 130,119 sq mi (337,009 sq km), N Europe. It borders on the Gulf…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE5 Spain, Span. EspañaSpain,āspäˈnyä [key], officially Kingdom of Spain, constitutional monarchy (2015 est. pop. 46,398,000), 194,884 sq mi (504,750 sq km), including the…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Belgium Belgium bĕlˈjəm [key], Du. België, Fr. La Belgique,…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Crusader States (c.1140) CrusadesCrusadeskr&oomacr;ˈsādz [key], series of wars undertaken by European Christians between the 11th and 14th cent. to recover the Holy Land…