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William Piper Biography

William Piperairplane manufacturerBorn: 1/8/1881Birthplace: Knapps Creek, N.Y. Called “the Henry Ford of aviation,” Piper mass produced affordable aircraft and is credited with popularizing…

William Wallace Biography

William Wallaceinventor, manufacturerBorn: 1825Birthplace: Manchester, England The son of English immigrants, he followed his father into the business of making wires, which he inherited upon…

Jimmy Williams Biography

Jimmy WilliamsAge: 35 former star linebacker at Arizona State who became an assistant coach at Desert Vista High and helped lead the team to a 14-0 record in 1998 and a state Class 5A…

Bradley, William Aspinwall

Bradley, William Aspinwall[1878-1939](1)Born at Hartford, Conn., Feb. 8, 1878. Educated at Columbia University where he received the degree of A.M. in 1900. Married Miss Grace Goodrich in…

Braithwaite, William Stanley

Braithwaite, William Stanley[1878-1962](1)Born at Boston, December 6, 1878. Educated in the public schools of that city. He has published two volumes of his own verse, "Lyrics of Life and…

William E. Leonard

Leonard, William Ellery[1876-1944](2)Born at Plainfield, N.J., Jan. 25, 1876. A.B. Boston University, 1898; A.M. Harvard, 1899. Fellow of Boston University in philology and literature, 1900…

Percy, William Alexander

Percy, William Alexander[1885-1942](1)Born in Greenville, Miss., May 14, 1885. Was prepared for college chiefly by a Roman Catholic priest; went to the University of the South, at Sewanee,…

William Vaughn Moody

Moody, William Vaughn[1869-1910](3)Born at Spencer, Indiana, July 8, 1869. Educated at Riverside Academy, New York, and at Harvard. In 1895 he became Assistant Professor of English in the…

Poems of William Blake

by WilliamBlake Poems Contents Songs of Innocence Songs Of Experience The Book Of Thel    

Rudolph William Giuliani

Candidate for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination by Liz Olson Rudolph Giuliani Related Links Rudy Giuliani’s campaign website September 11…