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Ross Sea

(Encyclopedia) Ross Sea, arm of the Pacific Ocean, Antarctica, between Victoria Land and Marie Byrd Land. It was discovered in 1841 by Sir James Clark Ross, a British explorer. Ross Island with Mt.…


(Encyclopedia) Bandung or Bandoeng Bandoeng both: bänˈd&oomacr;ng [key], city (2020 pop. 2,444,160), capital of…


(Encyclopedia) Auckland Auckland ôkˈlənd [key], city (2021 pop. 1,630,092), N North Island, New Zealand. It is situated on an isthmus and is the largest urban region and…

Crater Lake National Park

(Encyclopedia) Crater Lake National Park, 183,224 acres (74,206 hectares), SW Oreg., in the Cascade Range; est. 1902. Crater Lake, 20 sq mi (52 sq km), lies in a huge pit that was created when the…

April 2021 Current Events: Disaster News

Top of Page World News | Science & Technology News | US News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the Disaster…

Offbeat National Parks

Looking north over Biscayne Bay at an island (at left) and at mangroves that line the shoreline (at back).Yosemite and Yellowstone are the jewels of our national park system. But you can find plenty…

Heard Island and McDonald Islands

Fire and ice Smoke rises from McDonald Island's volcano. Where Are They? For a remote, icy spot, skip the crowds on Antarctica—which was visited by an estimated 10,800…

Potential Disasters

Scientists warn potential disasters threaten the U.S.Are the odds worth the worry? by David Johnson The British government appointed a commission to assess the chances that an…

May 2006 Disasters

May 3, Sochi, Russia: an Armavia (Armenian airline), Airbus A-320, crashed in the Black Sea enroute to Sochi, killing all 113 aboard. Poor weather was believed to be the cause.May 12, Lagos,…