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Massif Central

(Encyclopedia) Massif CentralMassif Centralmäsēfˈ säNträlˈ [key] [Fr.,=central highlands], great mountainous plateau, c.33,000 sq mi (85,470 sq km), S central France, covering almost a sixth of the…


(Encyclopedia) isoplethisoplethīˈsəplĕthˌ [key], line drawn on a map through all points of equal value of some measurable quantity. In many meteorologic, oceanographic, or geologic studies some…


(Encyclopedia) Jeju or ChejuChejujāˈj&oomacr; [key], Jap. Saishu, island and province of South Korea (1995 pop. 505,442), c.700 sq mi (1,810 sq km), c.60 mi (100 km) SW of the Korean peninsula.…

Juan Fernández

(Encyclopedia) Juan FernándezJuan Fernándezhwän fārnänˈdās [key], group of small islands, S Pacific, c.400 mi (640 km) W of Valparaiso, Chile. They belong to Chile and are constitutionally a special…


(Encyclopedia) Redding, city (1990 pop. 66,462), seat of Shasta co., N central Calif., on the Sacramento River; inc. 1872. A principal tourist center for a mountain and lake region, it also has…

Pribilof Islands

(Encyclopedia) Pribilof IslandsPribilof Islandsprĭbˈĭlŏfˌ [key], group of four volcanic islands, off SW Alaska in the Bering Sea, c.230 mi (370 km) N of the Aleutian Islands; explored and named in…

South Georgia

(Encyclopedia) South Georgia, island, c.1,450 sq mi (3,760 sq km), S Atlantic Ocean, c.1,200 mi (1,930 km) E of Cape Horn. A dependency of the Falkland Islands from 1908 to 1985 (along with the South…


(Encyclopedia) Cumbria, county, 2,635 sq mi (6,826 sq km), extreme NW England. The county stretches from the Morecambe Bay to Soloway Firth along the…

Franz Josef Land

(Encyclopedia) Franz Josef LandFranz Josef Landfrăns jōˈzəf, fränts yōˈzĕf [key], Rus. Zemlya Frantsa Iosifa, archipelago, c.6,300 sq mi (16,320 sq km), in the Arctic Ocean N of Novaya Zemlya, Russia…


(Encyclopedia) Guadalcanal Guadalcanal gwädəlkənălˈ [key], volcanic island, c.2,510 sq mi (6,500 sq km), South Pacific…