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Stone, I. F.
(Encyclopedia) Stone, I. F., 1907–89, American journalist, b. Philadelphia as Isidor Feinstein. Raised in New Jersey, he moved to New York City shortly after beginning his career as a journalist.…Richards, I. A.
(Encyclopedia) Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong Richards), 1893–1979, English literary critic. Richards was one of the founders of the school of interpretation known as the New Criticism, which…Volodymyr-Volynskyy
(Encyclopedia) Volodymyr-VolynskyyVolodymyr-Volynskyyvŭlˌədyēˈmyĭr-vəlyĭnˈskyē [key], Pol. Włodzimierz, Rus. Vladimir-Volynski, city (1989 pop. 38,000), NW Ukraine. It was founded in the 9th cent.…propaganda
(Encyclopedia) propaganda, systematic manipulation of public opinion, generally by the use of symbols such as flags, monuments, oratory, and publications. Modern propaganda is distinguished from…Mečiar, Vladimír
(Encyclopedia) Mečiar, Vladimír, 1942–, Slovakian political leader. A member of the Communist party of Czechoslovakia, Mečiar was ousted in 1970 after having supported party reforms following the…Kramnik, Vladimir
(Encyclopedia) Kramnik, Vladimir, 1975–, Russian chess player, b. Tuapse. Kramnik started to play chess at the age of four, and at eleven began studying with both Mikhail Botvinnik and Garry Kasparov…Nabokov, Vladimir
(Encyclopedia) Nabokov, VladimirNabokov, Vladimirvlädēˈmĭr näbôˈkŏf [key], 1899–1977, Russian-American author, b. St. Petersburg, Russia. He emigrated to England after the Russian Revolution of 1917…Space Accidents
1967Jan. 27, Apollo 1: a fire aboard the space capsule on the ground at Cape Kennedy, Fla., killed astronauts Virgil I. Grissom, Edward H. White, and Roger Chaffee. April 23–24, Soyuz 1:…Kováč, Michal
(Encyclopedia) Kováč, MichalKováč, Michalmēˈkäl kōˈväch [key], 1929–2016, Slovak political leader, first president of independent Slovakia (1993–98). An economist, he worked in the banking sector,…icebreaker
(Encyclopedia) icebreaker, ship of special hull design and wide beam, with relatively flat bottom, designed to force its way through ice. When the icebreaker charges into the ice at full speed, its…