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The Red Violin

Director:Francois GirardWriters:Don McKellar and Francois GirardLions Gate Films; 130 minutes;unratedRelease:5/99Cast:Carlo Cecchi, Jason Flemyng, Samuel L. Jackson From the director of 32…

Technological Advancements

Technological Advancements Certain advancements during the 1920s in the design and technology of aircraft gave the United States a new role in the international sphere of aviation.…

The Congress of Women: Art

by Mrs. Emily Crawford Woman, the New Factor in EconomicsThe Pacific NorthwestArt Mrs. Emily Crawford was born in New London, in the County of Middlesex, England. Her parents were…

Weather: The Take on Temperature

The Take on TemperatureWeatherMeasuring the AtmosphereThe Take on TemperatureIs the Pressure Getting to You?The Wind in the WillowsIt's Not the Heat, It's the HumidityMeasuring the RainPlacing the…

Duke: Royal Titles and Noble Ranks

Top of Page Royal titles and noble ranks have long been an essential part of the monarchy, and the English royal family in particular — and the role of a duke is no different. The British peerage…

The Devil's Dictionary: Cross

by Ambrose Bierce CRITICCUI BONO?CROSS -n. An ancient religious symbol erroneously supposed to owe its significance to the most solemn event in the history of Christianity, but really…

National Scenic Trails<sup class="fnr" >1</sup>

Name and location Total mileageAppalachian (Maine-N.H.-Vt.-Mass.-Conn.-N.Y.-N.J.- Pa.-Md.-W.Va.-Va.-N.C.-Tenn., Ga.) 2,174Ice Age (Wis.)1,000Natchez Trace (Ala.-Miss.-Tenn.) 444North Country…


Director:Joel SchumacherWriter:Andrew Kevin WalkerColumbia Pictures; R; 120 minutesRelease:2/99Cast:Nicolas Cage, Joaquin Phoenix, and Catherine Keener 8mm is director Joel Schumacher's…