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Displaying 471 - 480

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 4, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 3, 1805July 5, 1805July 4, 1805 Thursday July 4th 1805. Yesterday we permitted Sergt. Gass McNeal and several others who had not yet seen…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 6, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 5, 1806July 7, 1806July 6, 1806 July 6th 1806. Set out a little after sunrise passed the creek a little above our encampment. East 14 M. to…


(Encyclopedia) lynx, name given to several related small, ferocious members of the cat family. All have small heads, tufted ears, and heavy bodies with long legs and short tails. All are primarily…

Sierra Madre, mountain system, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Sierra MadreSierra Madresyāˈrä mäˈᵺrā [key], chief mountain system of Mexico, consisting of the Sierra Madre Oriental, the Sierra Madre Occidental, and the Sierra Madre del Sur and…

September 2020 Current Events: Disaster News

Top of Page Science and Technology News | US News | World News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world news…

Weather: Blowing Cold and Hot: The Big Ones

Blowing Cold and Hot: The Big OnesWeatherBlowing Cold and Hot: The Big OnesWinter Gone SouthBig-City SnowsStorm of the Century?The Greatest One of AllModern Winter of Deep SnowsGalveston Storm…