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(Encyclopedia) EpimenidesEpimenidesĕpĭmĕnˈĭdēz [key], fl. 6th cent.? b.c., Cretan prophet and miracle worker. According to one story, he was called to Athens to purify the city after the murder of…Manlius
(Encyclopedia) ManliusManliusmănˈlēəs [key], ancient Roman gens, chiefly patrician but later containing plebeian families. Marcus Manlius Capitolinus, d. 384? b.c., consul (392 b.c.), took refuge in…Brewer's: Titus the Roman Emperor
was called “the delight of men.” (40, 79-81.) Titus indeed gave one short evening gleam, More cordral felt, as in the midst it spread Of storm and horror; the delight of men. Thomson:…Apollonius of Tyana
(Encyclopedia) Apollonius of Tyana, fl. 1st cent. a.d., Greek philosopher, b. Tyana, Cappadocia. A philosopher of the Neo-Pythagorean school, he traveled widely and became famous for his wisdom and…Gerizim
(Encyclopedia) GerizimGerizimgĕrˈəzĭm, gērīˈ– [key], Arabic Jabal at Tur, mountain, 2,890 ft (881 m) high, in the Samaritan Hills, in the West Bank. Nablus, near the ancient Shechem, lies in the…Nicopolis
(Encyclopedia) NicopolisNicopolisnĭkŏpˈəlĭs, nī– [key] [Gr.,=city of victory], ancient city, NW Greece, in Epirus. It was founded by Octavian (later Augustus) to celebrate the victory (31 b.c.) at…Martial
(Encyclopedia) Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis)Martialmärˈshəl [key], c.a.d. 40–c.a.d. 104, Roman epigrammatic poet, b. Bilbilis, Spain. After a.d. 64 he lived in Rome for many years, winning fame…Vitellius, Aulus
(Encyclopedia) Vitellius, AulusVitellius, Aulusôˈləs vĭtĕlˈēəs [key], a.d. 15–a.d. 69, Roman emperor (a.d. 69). He was made commander of the legions on the lower Rhine by Galba in a.d. 68. On Galba's…Cincinnatus
(Encyclopedia) Cincinnatus (Lucius or Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus)Cincinnatussĭnsĭnāˈtəs, –nătˈəs [key], fl. 5th cent. b.c., Roman patriot. He was consul in 460 b.c. and dictator twice (458 and 439…William Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus, Act I
Act IScene IRome. Before the CapitolThe Tomb of the Andronici appearing; the Tribunes and Senators aloft. Enter, below, from one side, Saturninus and his Followers; and, from the other side,…