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William Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act I, Scene V
Scene VCorioli. A streetEnter certain Romans, with spoilsFirst RomanThis will I carry to Rome.Second RomanAnd I this.Third RomanA murrain on't! I took this for silver.Alarum continues still…Brewer's: Tittle Tattle
Tattle is prate. (Dutch tateren, Italian, tatta-mélla.) Tittle is little, same as tit in titmouse, little tit, tit-bit. “Pish' Why do I spend my time in tittle-tattle?” Otway: Cheats of…Brewer's: Tityos
A giant whose body covered nine acres of land. He tried to defile Latona, but Apollo cast him into Tartarus, where a vulture fed on his liver, which grew again as fast as it was devoured…Brewer's: Agag
A′gag in Dryden's satire of Absalom and Achitophel, is meant for Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, the magistrate before whom Titus Oates made his declaration, and was afterwards found barbarously…Brewer's: Gramercy
Thank you much (the French grand merci). Thus Shakespeare, “Be it so, Titus, and gramercy too” (Titus Andronicus, i. 2). Again, “Gramercies, Tranio, well dost thou advise” (Taming of the…Brewer's: Aim
To give aim, to stand aloof.A term in archery, meaning to stand within a convenient distance from the butts, to give the archers information how near their arrows fall to the mark aimed at…The Bible
The Bible Old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms…Letter of Jeremiah
Letter of Jeremiah Ch. 6: A copy of an epistle, which Jeremy sent unto them… Select another book...GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1…William Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act I, Scene IV
Scene IVBefore CorioliEnter, with drum and colours, Marcius, Titus, Lartius, Captains and Soldiers. To them a MessengerMarciusYonder comes news. A wager they have met.LartiusMy horse to yours…William Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act I, Scene IX
Scene IXThe Roman campFlourish. Alarum. A retreat is sounded. Flourish. Enter, from one side, Cominius with the Romans; from the other side, Marcius, with his arm in a scarfCominiusIf I…