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Pynchon, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Pynchon, ThomasPynchon, Thomaspĭnˈchən [key], 1937–, American novelist, b. Glen Cove, N.Y., grad. Cornell, 1958. Pynchon is noted for his amazingly fertile imagination, his wild sense…

Scott, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Scott, Thomas, 1747–1821, English clergyman and biblical scholar. Ordained a priest in 1773, he served in several curacies. In Olney he succeeded (1781) John Newton, through whose…

Savery, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Savery, Thomas, c.1650–1715, English engineer. He became a military engineer, rising to the rank of captain by 1702. He spent his free time performing experiments in mechanics,…

Say, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Say, Thomas, 1787–1843, American naturalist, b. Philadelphia. He went on collecting expeditions to Georgia and Florida and, with Stephen H. Long, to the Rocky Mts. and up the…

Pride, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Pride, Thomas, d. 1658, English parliamentary soldier in the English civil war. In Dec., 1648, acting on the orders of the army council, he carried out Pride's Purge, expelling from…

Pownall, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Pownall, ThomasPownall, Thomaspouˈnəl [key], 1722–1805, English colonial governor in North America. In 1753 he went to New York as secretary to Sir Danvers Osborn, newly appointed…

Parnell, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Parnell, Thomas, 1679–1718, Irish poet, b. Dublin. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, he was archdeacon of Clogher from 1706. He was a friend of Pope and Swift and a member of the…

Pinckney, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Pinckney, Thomas, 1750–1828, American political leader and diplomat, b. Charleston, S.C.; brother of C. C. Pinckney and cousin of Charles Pinckney. At the outbreak of the American…

Telford, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Telford, Thomas, 1757–1834, Scottish civil engineer. He greatly improved road building in England and Scotland. He introduced the use of a base of large stones surfaced with compacted…

Tallis, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Tallis or Tallys, Thomas, c.1510–1585, English composer, who served the royal household, from c.1537 to his death, as organist. He wrote principally Latin motets (of which Spem in…