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Stanley Mazor

Stanley MazorBorn: 1941Birthplace: Chicago, Ill. Microprocessor concept and architecture—Ted Hoff was the first to recognize that Intel's new silicon-gated MOS technology might make a single-…

Keyser, Thomas de

(Encyclopedia) Keyser, Thomas deKeyser, Thomas dedə kīˈzər [key], c.1596–1667, Dutch portrait and figure painter of Amsterdam. He was the outstanding practitioner in his field prior to Rembrandt. De…

Holcroft, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Holcroft, ThomasHolcroft, Thomashōlˈkrôft [key], 1745–1809, English dramatist and novelist. Sometimes credited with having introduced melodrama to the London stage, he is the author of…

Dalyell, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Dalyell or Dalzell, ThomasDalyell or Dalzell, Thomasboth: dēĕlˈ, dălˈyəl [key], 1599?–1685, Scottish soldier; also called Dalziel of the Binns. He fought for Charles II at the battle…

Chalkley, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Chalkley, ThomasChalkley, Thomaschôˈklē [key], 1675–1741, Quaker mariner and missionary preacher, b. England. He made his home after 1701 in Philadelphia. He traded chiefly with the…

D'Urfey, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) D'Urfey, ThomasD'Urfey, Thomasdûrˈfē [key], 1653–1723, English songwriter and dramatist. His comedies for the stage were forerunners of the ballad opera. In 1699–1700 Wit and Mirth; or…

Tout, Thomas Frederick

(Encyclopedia) Tout, Thomas FrederickTout, Thomas Fredericktout [key], 1855–1929, English historian. Educated at Oxford, he taught at the Univ. of Manchester from 1890 to 1925. Considered an…

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth

(Encyclopedia) Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823–1911, American author, b. Cambridge, Mass. A Unitarian minister, he was a leader in the abolitionist movement and was a member of a group that backed…

Benton, Thomas Hart, American painter

(Encyclopedia) Benton, Thomas Hart, 1889–1975, American regionalist painter, b. Neosho, Mo.; grandnephew of Sen. Thomas Hart Benton and son of Rep. Maecenas E. Benton. In 1906 and 1907 he attended…

Thomas, Clarence

(Encyclopedia) Thomas, Clarence, 1948–, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1991–), b. Pin Point (Savannah), Ga. Raised in a poor family, he graduated (1974) from the Yale Law School and…