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Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton, Fürst von

(Encyclopedia) Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton, Fürst vonKaunitz, Wenzel Anton, Fürst vonvĕnˈtsəl änˈtôn fürst fən kouˈnĭts [key], 1711–94, Austrian statesman. He distinguished himself as a negotiator of the…


(Encyclopedia) OradeaOradeaoräˈdyä [key] or Oradea-MareOradea-Mare–mäˈrĕ [key], Hung. Nagyvárad, Ger. Grosswardein, city (1990 pop. 228,956), W Romania, in Crişana-Maramureş, near the Hungarian…

Frederick II, king of Prussia

(Encyclopedia) Frederick II or Frederick the Great, 1712–86, king of Prussia (1740–86), son and successor of Frederick William I. Frederick was tolerant in religious matters, personally professing…

Tallien, Jean Lambert

(Encyclopedia) Tallien, Jean LambertTallien, Jean LambertzhäN läNbĕrˈ tälyăNˈ [key], 1767–1820, French revolutionary. A law clerk and later a printer, he became known through his Jacobin journal, Ami…

Granville, John Carteret, 1st Earl

(Encyclopedia) Granville, John Carteret, 1st Earl, 1690–1763, English statesman, better known as Lord Carteret. He served as ambassador to Sweden (1719–20) and as a secretary of state (1721–24), but…

Marie Caroline

(Encyclopedia) Marie Caroline, 1752–1814, queen of Naples, consort of Ferdinand IV (later Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies), daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Maria Theresa, and sister of…

Rohan, Louis René Édouard, prince de

(Encyclopedia) Rohan, Louis René Édouard, prince deRohan, Louis René Édouard, prince delwē rənāˈ ādwärˈ prăNs də [key]Rohan, Louis René Édouard, prince de rôäNˈ [key], 1734–1803, French churchman and…

Medici, Gian Gastone de'

(Encyclopedia) Medici, Gian Gastone de'Medici, Gian Gastone de'jän gästôˈnā [key]Medici, Gian Gastone de' dā mĕˈdĭchē, Ital. māˈdēchē [key], 1671–1737, grand duke of Tuscany (1723–37); son and…

pragmatic sanction

(Encyclopedia) pragmatic sanction, decision of state dealing with a matter of great importance to a community or a whole state and having the force of fundamental law. The term originated in Roman…

Frank, Jacob

(Encyclopedia) Frank, Jacob, c.1726–1791, Polish Jewish sectarian and adventurer, b. Podolia as Jacob Ben Judah Leib. He founded the Frankists, a heretical Jewish sect that was an anti-Talmudic…