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Charles the Bold

(Encyclopedia) Charles the Bold, 1433–77, last reigning duke of Burgundy (1467–77), son and successor of Philip the Good. As the count of Charolais before his accession, he opposed the growing power…

Charles the Fat

(Encyclopedia) Charles the Fat, French king: see Charles III, emperor of the West.

Charles the Great

(Encyclopedia) Charles the Great, Frankish king, emperor of the West: see Charlemagne.

Edward the Confessor

(Encyclopedia) Edward the Confessor, d. 1066, king of the English (1042–66), son of Æthelred the Unready and his Norman wife, Emma. After the Danish conquest (1013–16) of England, Edward grew up at…

Edward the Elder

(Encyclopedia) Edward the Elder, d. 924, king of Wessex (899–924), son and successor of Alfred. He fought with his father against the Danes. At Alfred's death (899) Edward's succession was disputed…

Edward the Martyr

(Encyclopedia) Edward the Martyr, c.962–978, king of the English (975–78), son of Edgar by his first wife. Despite the opposition of some of the nobles, Edward succeeded his father to the throne and…

Hugh the Great

(Encyclopedia) Hugh the Great, d. 956, French duke; son of King Robert I and father of Hugh Capet. Excluded from the succession on his father's death by his brother-in-law Raoul, he supported the…

Havelok the Dane

(Encyclopedia) Havelok the Dane, English 13th-century metrical romance. It concerns a prince brought up as a scullion, who, after discovering his true identity, wins the kingdoms of Denmark and…