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Displaying 401 - 410

Daughters of the American Revolution

(Encyclopedia) Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), a Colonial patriotic society in the United States, open to women having one or more ancestors who aided the cause of the Revolution. The…

Abel, places in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Abel, in the Bible. 1 Ostensibly a place name. The RSV text does not give the name. 2 See Abel-beth-maachah.

E, letter of the alphabet

(Encyclopedia) E, fifth letter of the alphabet. It is a usual symbol for a mid-front vowel, such as ĕ in the English step. A mid-front vowel was represented by Greek epsilon [Gr.,=e without the…

Kings, books of the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Kings, books of the Bible, originally a single work in the Hebrew canon. They are called First and Second Kings in modern Bibles, and Third and Fourth Kingdoms in the Greek versions,…

Kish, persons in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) KishKishkĭsh [key], in the Bible. 1 Father of Saul. An alternate form is Cis. 2 Uncle of Saul. 3 Ancestor of Mordecai.

Knights of the Golden Circle

(Encyclopedia) Knights of the Golden Circle, secret order of Southern sympathizers in the North during the Civil War. Its members were known as Copperheads. Dr. George W. L. Bickley, a Virginian who…

Joshua, persons in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) JoshuaJoshuajŏshˈ&oomacr;ə, –əwə [key], in the Bible. 1 Central figure of the book of Joshua. 2 High priest associated with Zerubbabel in rebuilding the Temple. 3 Owner of the…

Joshua, book of the Bible

(Encyclopedia) JoshuaJoshuajŏshˈ&oomacr;ə [key], book of the Bible. It is the first book of the Deuteronomic history (Joshua–2 Kings), in which the theological outlook of the Book of Deuteronomy…

Judah, persons in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) JudahJudahj&oomacr;ˈdə [key]. 1 In the Bible he is the fourth son of Jacob and Leah and the eponymous ancestor of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. In the Book of Genesis, Judah…