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Congo, Republic of the

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Congo, Republic of the, republic (2015 est. pop. 4,996,000), 132,046 sq mi (342,000 sq km), W central Africa; also known as the Congo Republic. Congo is bordered on the west by…

Ammon, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AmmonAmmonămˈən [key], in the Bible, people living E of the Dead Sea. Their capital was Rabbath-Ammon, the present-day Amman (Jordan). Their god was Milcom, to whom Solomon built an…

Geber, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) GeberGebergēˈbər [key], in the Bible. 1 Father of a steward of Solomon. 2 Officer of Solomon.

Frederick the Winter King

(Encyclopedia) Frederick the Winter King, 1596–1632, king of Bohemia (1619–20), elector palatine (1610–20) as Frederick V. The Protestant diet of Bohemia deposed the Roman Catholic King Ferdinand (…

Anan, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AnanAnanāˈnən [key], in the Bible, sealer of the covenant.