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Otto the Great

(Encyclopedia) Otto the Great: see Otto I, Holy Roman emperor.

Ogier the Dane

(Encyclopedia) Ogier the DaneOgier the Daneōˈjēər, ōzhyāˈ [key], in the chansons de geste, a paladin of Charlemagne. Although his military feats save emperor and kingdom, he is for a time at odds…

Michael the Brave

(Encyclopedia) Michael the Brave, d. 1601, prince of Walachia (1593–1601), of Transylvania (1599–1600), and of Moldavia (1600). Michael was one of Romania's greatest medieval rulers, as well as a…

Peter the Cruel

(Encyclopedia) Peter the Cruel, 1334–69, Spanish king of Castile and León (1350–69), son and successor of Alfonso XI. His desertion of his wife, Blanche of Bourbon, for María Padilla and his favors…

Peter the Hermit

(Encyclopedia) Peter the Hermit, c.1050–1115, French religious leader. In 1095 he was a very successful preacher of the First Crusade (see Crusades), and he led one of its bands. In 1096 he reached…

Philip the Fair

(Encyclopedia) Philip the Fair: see Philip IV, king of France.

Philip the Good

(Encyclopedia) Philip the Good, 1396–1467, duke of Burgundy (1419–67); son of Duke John the Fearless. After his father was murdered (1419) at a meeting with the dauphin (later King Charles VII of…