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Brewer's: Boy Bachelor
William Wotton, D.D., was admitted at St. Catherine's Hall before he was ten, and took his B.A. when he was twelve and a half. (1666-1726.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…Brewer's: Boy Bishop
St. Nicholas. From his cradle he is said to have manifested marvellous indications of piety, and was therefore selected for the patron saint of boys. (Fourth century.) Boy Bishop. The…Brewer's: Roaring Boys
or Roarers. The riotous blades of Ben Jonson's time, whose delight it was to annoy quiet folk. At one time their pranks in London were carried to an alarming extent. And bid them think on…Brewer's: Whipping Boy
A boy kept to be whipped when a prince deserved chastisement. Mungo Murray stood for Charles I., Barnaby Fitzpatrick for Edward VI. (Fuller: Church…Brewer's: Yellow-boy
(A). A gold sovereign. “John did not starve the cause: there wanted not yellow-boys to fee counsel.” —Arbuthnot: John Bull. Yellow-boy (A). A bankrupt. The French call a bankrupt…Brewer's: Stupid Boy
St. Thomas Aquinas, nicknamed the Dumb Ox by his school-fellows. (1224-1274.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894StyStumped Out A B C D E F G H I J K…Brewer's: Swiss Boy
(The). Music by Moscheles. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Swiss Family RobinsonSwiss A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X…Brewer's: Fly-boy
The boy in a printing-office who lifts the printed sheets off the press. He is called the fly-boy because he catches the sheets as they fly from the tympan (q.v.) immediately the frisket (…Brewer's: Minden Boys
The 20th Foot, so called from their noted bravery at Minden, in Prussia, August 1, 1759. Now called “The Lancashire Fusiliers.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…Brewer's: Loblolly Boy
(A.) A surgeon's mate in the navy. Here lob is the Welsh llob, a dolt, and loblolly boy is a dolt not yet out of his spoon-meat or baby-pap. “Loblolly-boy is a person on board a man-of-war…