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pill, the
(Encyclopedia) pill, the: see birth control.Scorpion, The
(Encyclopedia) Scorpion, The, English name for Scorpius, a constellation.Savoy, the
(Encyclopedia) Savoy, the, chapel in London, between the Strand and the Thames River. Its name is derived from the palace of Peter of Savoy, uncle of Eleanor of Provence, wife of Henry III. Destroyed…Philippines, The
(Encyclopedia) CE5 Philippines, ThePhilippines, Thefĭlˈəpēnzˌ [key], officially Republic of the Philippines, republic (2015 est. pop. 101,716,000), 115,830 sq mi (300,000 sq km), SW Pacific, in…Pearl, The
(Encyclopedia) Pearl, The, one of four Middle English alliterative poems, all contained in a manuscript of c.1400, composed in the West Midland dialect, almost certainly by the same anonymous author…Pentagon, the
(Encyclopedia) Pentagon, the, building accommodating the U.S. Dept. of Defense. Located in Arlington, Va., across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., the Pentagon is a vast five-sided building…Skaw, the
(Encyclopedia) Skaw, the, Denmark: see Skagen.Solent, The
(Encyclopedia) Solent, TheSolent, Thesōˈlənt [key], channel, c.30 mi (50 km) long and 3&fslsh;4 to 5 mi (1.2–8 km) wide, between the Isle of Wight and Hampshire, S England. It serves as an…Balance, The
(Encyclopedia) Balance, The, English name for Libra, a constellation; also called The Scales.Battery, the
(Encyclopedia) Battery, the, park, 21 acres (8.5 hectares), southern tip of Manhattan island, New York City; site of former Dutch and English fortifications. Castle Clinton, a fort built in 1808 for…