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Brewer's: Man of Sin

(The). (2 Thess. ii. 3). The Roman Catholics say the Man of Sin is Antichrist. The Puritans applied the term to the Pope of Rome; the Fifth-Monarchy men to Cromwell; many modern…

Brewer's: Marriages

Carrier's republican marriages. A device of wholesale slaughter, adopted by Carrier, proconsul of Nantes, in the first French Revolution. It consisted in tying men and women together by…

Brewer's: Clerical Vestments

(1) White. Emblem of purity, worn on all feasts, saints' days, and sacramental occasions. (2) Red. The colour of blood and of fire, worn on the days of martyrs, and on Whit-Sunday, when…

Brewer's: Dahak

The Satan of Persia. According to Persian mythology, the ages of the world are divided into periods of 1,000 years. When the cycle of “chiliasms” (1,000-year periods) is complete, the…

Charles X, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Charles X, 1757–1836, king of France (1824–30); brother of King Louis XVI and of King Louis XVIII, whom he succeeded. As comte d'Artois he headed the reactionary faction at the court…


(Encyclopedia) manuscript, a handwritten work as distinguished from printing. The oldest manuscripts, those found in Egyptian tombs, were written on papyrus; the earliest dates from c.3500 b.c.…


(Encyclopedia) oratory, the art of swaying an audience by eloquent speech. In ancient Greece and Rome oratory was included under the term rhetoric, which meant the art of composing as well as…

Movies and Film: Film Acting vs. Theater Acting

Film Acting vs. Theater ActingMovies and FilmArtists or Stars? The Aesthetics of ActingFilm Acting vs. Theater ActingThe Star SystemThe Schools of Film Acting"The Actor's Director": Priming the Prima…