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Frank Dunklee CURRIER, Congress, NH (1853-1921)

CURRIER Frank Dunklee , a Representative from New Hampshire; born in Canaan, Grafton County, N.H., October 30, 1853; attended the common schools, Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N.H., and Doctor…

<em>T. rex</em> Fossils Fetch Bargain Price

Dinosaur Links Dinosaur CentralHow Fossils Are FormedWhen Did Dinosaurs Live?Tyrannosaurus Sue A group of investors from South Dakota paid more than $90,000 for the fossilized…

Richard Whiting BLUE, Congress, KS (1841-1907)

BLUE Richard Whiting , a Representative from Kansas; born near Parkersburg, Wood County, Va. (now West Virginia), September 8, 1841; worked on a farm in the summertime and studied in the select…

Sherman ADAMS, Congress, NH (1899-1986)

ADAMS Sherman , A Representative from New Hampshire; born in East Dover, Windham County, Vt., January 8, 1899; as an infant moved with his parents to Providence, R.I.; attended the public schools of…

Arthur LIVERMORE, Congress, NH (1766-1853)

LIVERMORE Arthur , a Representative from New Hampshire; born in Londonderry, Rockingham County, N.H., July 29, 1766; received classical instruction from his parents; studied law; was admitted…

Norris H. COTTON, Congress, NH (1900-1989)

Senate Years of Service: 1954-1974; 1975-1975 Party: Republican; Republican COTTON Norris H. , a Representative and a Senator from New Hampshire; born on a farm in Warren, Grafton County, N.H., May…

September 2017 Current Events: US News

Top of Page Disaster News | Science & Technology News | World News There's always something going on in the United States, and trying to keep track of it all can be a nightmare. Luckily,…