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Displaying 191 - 200

Women in the 111th Congress

This table provides the name and state of the women currently serving in the 111th Congress (which began in 2009). There are 77 women in the House of Representatives and 17 women in the Senate…

James Winthrop: Agrippa V

Agrippa VJames Winthrop11 December 1787by James Winthrop, AgrippaTo the People.In the course of inquiry it has appeared, that for the purposes of internal regulation and domestick…

Brewer's: Flag

(Danish, flag.) A black flag is the emblem of piracy or of no quarter. (See Black Flags.) To unfurl the black flag. To declare war. The curtain which used to hang before the door of…

Springboard DivePoints

1920 Aileen Riggin, United States 539.90 1924 Elizabeth Becker, United States 474.50 1928…

Women in the 112th Congress

This table provides the name and state of the women serving in the 112th Congress, which began in 2011. There are 80 women in the House of Representatives and 17 women in the Senate. State…