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Brewer's: Shooting Stars

called in ancient legends the “fiery tears of St. Lawrence,” because one of the periodic swarms of these meteors is between the 9th and 14th of August, about the time of St. Lawrence's…

Brewer's: Fair-star

The Princess Fair-star, in love with Prince Chery, whom she sets to obtain for her “the dancing water,” “the singing apple,” and “the green bird” (q.v.). This tale is borrowed from the…

Brewer's: Falling Stars

are said by Mahometans to be firebrands flung by good angels against evil spirits when they approach too near the gates of heaven. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Fixed Stars

Stars whose relative position to other stars is fixed or always the same. Planets are always shifting their relative positions. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Star Wars Facts

/* /*]]>*/ Star Wars was created by George Lucas in 1977. The franchise has since grown exponentially. How well do you know Star Wars?

Child Stars Quiz

/* /*]]>*/ They may have started young, but these child stars aren't so little anymore. Can you identify who the star is based off a short description?

Birth and Death of a Star

Astronomers think that a star begins to form as a dense cloud of gas in the arms of spiral galaxies. Individual hydrogen atoms fall with increasing speed and energy toward the center of the…

Hydra, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia) Hydra, in astronomy, southern constellation lying S of Corvus, Crater, Virgo, Leo, and Cancer. It is a long, slender, winding constellation traditionally depicted as a snake and known…

Mason, James

(Encyclopedia) Mason, James, 1909–84, British stage and film actor. Mason, trained at Cambridge as an architect, became a leading man in British films in the 1940s and thereafter an international…


(Encyclopedia) SiriusSiriussĭrˈēəs [key], or Dog Star, brightest star in the sky. It is located in the constellation Canis Major (1992 position R.A. 6h44.8m, Dec. −16°42′); its Bayer designation is…