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neutron star

(Encyclopedia) neutron star, extremely small, extremely dense star, with as much as double the sun's mass but only a few miles in radius, in the final stage of stellar evolution. Astronomers Baade…


(Encyclopedia) PolarisPolarispōlârˈĭs [key] or North Star, star nearest the north celestial pole (see equatorial coordinate system). It is in the constellation Ursa Minor (see Ursa Major and Ursa…

Lewinsky scandal

(Encyclopedia) Lewinsky scandalLewinsky scandalləwĭnˈskē [key], sensation that enveloped the presidency of Bill Clinton in 1998–99, leading to his impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives and…

planetary system

(Encyclopedia) planetary system, a star and all the celestial bodies bound to it by gravity, especially planets and their natural satellites. Until the last decade of the 20th cent., the only…

Outer Barrier

(Encyclopedia) Outer Barrier, series of sandy barrier islands or offshore bars, extending c.75 mi (120 km) along the south shore of Long Island, SE N.Y., from Rockaway Beach at the west to the east…

Rolling Stones

(Encyclopedia) Rolling Stones, English rock music group that rose to prominence in the mid-1960s and continues to exert great…

radial velocity

(Encyclopedia) radial velocity, in astronomy, the speed with which a star moves toward or away from the sun. It is determined from the red or blue shift in the star's spectrum.


(Encyclopedia) AurigaAurigaôrīˈgə [key] [Lat.,=the charioteer or wagoner], northern constellation traditionally represented as a man, possibly Vulcan, carrying a goat on his shoulder while driving a…


(Encyclopedia) AldebaranAldebaranălˌdĕbˈərən [key], brightest star in the constellation Taurus; Bayer designation α Tauri; 1992 position R.A. 4h35.5m, Dec. +16°30′. An orange giant star (spectral…

Perseus, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia) Perseus, in astronomy, northern constellation lying E of Cassiopeia and N of Taurus. It contains the bright star Mirfak (Alpha Persei) and Algol (Beta Persei), a visible variable star…