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Dwight D. Eisenhower (January 7, 1960)

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the 86th Congress: Seven years ago I entered my present office with one long-held resolve overriding all others. I was then, and remain now, determined that…

A Nuclear North Korea

—Borgna Brunner Hamid Karzai, leader of an interim Afghan government after the fall of the Taliban, officially became head of state in June 2002. Karzai's strong international support led to the…

Ronald Wilson Reagan

Ronald Wilson ReaganBorn: 2/6/1911Birthplace: Tampico, Ill. Ronald Wilson Reagan rode to the presidency in 1980 on a tide of resurgent right-wing sentiment among an electorate longing for a…

Where in the World Is Diego Garcia?

A strategic U.K. and U.S. airbase with a dark history by Borgna Brunner British Indian Ocean Territory, a dependency of the United Kingdom, includes Diego Garcia. Related Links Iraq…

Timeline: AIDS Epidemic, 1981 - 1995

Key events, important people, activism and breakthroughs 1981-1983 1985-1988 1991-1995 1996-Present 1981 "Gay cancer," later called GRID, (Gay Related Immuno Deficiency)…

Our Top Stories for the Week of August 1, 2022

It’s been a busy week, from political changes to climate worries. Who has time to keep track of it all? That’s why we’ve boiled it all down to our top stories of the week. Economics & Politics…