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Brewer's: White Caps

A rebellious party of zealous Mahometans, put down by Kienlong the Chinese emperor, in 1758. So called from their head-dress. White Caps…

Brewer's: White-coat

(A ). An Austrian soldier. So called because he wears a white coat. Similarly, an English soldier is called a red-coat. In old Rome, ad saga ire meant…

Brewer's: White Cockade

The badge worn by the followers of Charles Edward, the Pretender. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894White CompanyWhite-…

Brewer's: White Company

(The). “Le Blanche Compagnie. ” A band of French cutthroats organised by Bertrand du Guesclin and led against Pedro the Cruel. “Se faisoient…

Brewer's: White Czar

(The ). Strictly speaking means the Czar of Muscovy; the King of Muscovy was called the White King from the white robes which he wore. The King of…

Brewer's: White Elephant

King of the White Elephant. The proudest title borne by the kings of Ava and Siam. In Ava the white elephant bears the title of “lord,” and has a…

Brewer's: White Feather

To show the white feather. To show cowardice. No gamecock has a white feather. A white feather indicates a cross-breed in birds. Showing the…

Brewer's: White Friars

The Carmelites. So called because they dressed in white. Whitefriars, London. So called from a monastery of White Friars which formerly stood in Water…

Brewer's: White Harvest

(A ). A late harvest, when the ground is white of a morning with hoarfrost. The harvest of 1891 was a white harvest. Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: White Hat

(See under Hat.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894White HorseWhite Harvest A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R…