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Consumer Research Manager

Claudia Cook Tell us about your work-what do you do? My responsibility is to understand consumer needs, identify possible demand and changes in…

Brewer's: Ormandine

(3 syl.). The necromancer who by his magic arts threw St. David for seven years into an enchanted sleep, from which he was redeemed by St. George. (The Seven Champions of Christendom, i. 9…

Brewer's: Melisendra

Charlemagne's daughter, married to his nephew Don Gwyferos. She was taken captive by the Moors, and confined seven years in a dungeon, when Gwyferos rescued her. (Don Quixote.) Source:…

Brewer's: Calypso

in Fénelon's Télémaque, is meant to represent Madame de Montespan. In fairy mythology, she was queen of the island Ogygia on which Ulysses was wrecked, and where he was detained for seven…

Wimbledon Preview

by John Gettings From the Spotlight Archive: This feature appeared in June 1998 The Duke and Duchess of Kent politely applaud American Pete Sampras' victory in 1997, but the royals and the home…