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Displaying 321 - 330

McHenry, James

(Encyclopedia) McHenry, James, 1753–1816, American political leader, b. Ireland. He emigrated to Philadelphia in 1771 and, after studying medicine under Benjamin Rush, served as a surgeon in the…

Osmeña, Sergio

(Encyclopedia) Osmeña, SergioOsmeña, Sergiosārˈhēō ōsmāˈnyä [key], 1878–1961, Filipino statesman, b. Cebu island. He served as provincial governor of Cebu and as first speaker (1907–22) of the…

Morrow, Dwight Whitney

(Encyclopedia) Morrow, Dwight Whitney, 1873–1931, American banker and diplomat, b. Huntington, W.Va. He practiced law in New York City and entered (1914) the banking house of J. P. Morgan &…

Meek, Carrie Pittman

(Encyclopedia) Meek, Carrie Pittman , 1926-2021, American politician, b. Tallahassee, Fl., Florida A&M Univ. (B.A., 1946), Univ. of Michigan (M.A…

Curtis, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Curtis, Charles, 1860–1936, Vice President of the United States (1929–33), b. near North Topeka, Kans. Of part Native American background, Curtis lived for three years on a Kaw…

Chauveau, Pierre Joseph Olivier

(Encyclopedia) Chauveau, Pierre Joseph OlivierChauveau, Pierre Joseph Olivierpyĕr zhôzĕfˈ ôlēvyāˈ shōvōˈ [key], 1820–90, French Canadian educator and politician, prime minister of Quebec (1867–73), b…

Chapais, Sir Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Chapais, Sir ThomasChapais, Sir Thomasshäpāˈ [key], 1858–1946, Canadian politician and historian, b. Quebec prov.; son of Jean Charles Chapais (1811–85). Thomas Chapais became…

Dole, Elizabeth Hanford

(Encyclopedia) Dole, Elizabeth Hanford, 1936–, American public official, b. Salisbury, N.C., B.A., Duke, 1958, J.D., Harvard, 1965; wife of Bob Dole. A Republican, she held several government…

George, James Zachariah

(Encyclopedia) George, James Zachariah, 1826–97, American jurist and legislator, b. Monroe co., Ga. He moved to Mississippi in 1834 and, after serving in the Mexican War, became a prominent lawyer.…

Gadsden Purchase

(Encyclopedia) Gadsden PurchaseGadsden Purchasegădzˈdən [key], strip of land purchased (1853) by the United States from Mexico. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) had described the U.S.-Mexico…