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Mass Market Paperbacks

Source: Publishers WeeklyReprinted from Publishers Weekly© 2002 by Publishers WeeklyThe Brethren, John GrishamThe Mark: The Beast Rules the World, Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHayeThe Bear and the…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 24, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 23, 1804June 25, 1804June 24, 1804 Sunday June 24th set out at 1/2 after six continuing the course on the Lard. side N. 80 E 1/4 of a mile…

Brewer's: Cuckoo-Spit

“Frog-Spit,” or “Froth-Spit.” The spume which forms the uidus of an insect called the Cicada Spumaria, or, more strictly speaking, the Cercopis Spumaria (one of the three divisions of the…

Brewer's: Look Before You Leap

Consider well before you act. “Melius est cavere semper, quam patiri semel.” And look before you ere you leap, For, as you sow, you're like to reap. Butler: Hudibras, canto ii. part ii.…

Brewer's: Hawthorn

in florology, means “Good Hope,” because it shows the winter is over and spring is at hand. The Athenian girls used to crown themselves with hawthorn flowers at weddings, and the marriage-…

Cabinet Members Under Nixon

Secretary of State William P. Rogers, 1969Henry A. Kissinger, 1973Secretary of the Treasury David M. Kennedy, 1969John B. Connally, 1971George P. Shultz, 1972William E. Simon, 1974Secretary…

Chauncey Judd: Gunn's Barn

The Robbery Longmeadow Brook Gunn's Barn It was full sunrise the next morning, before the robbers, in Mr. Gunn's barn, awoke. The severe toil of the preceding night, coupled with the…

R - T

Bobby RahalJack RamsayBill RassmussenWillis ReedPee Wee ReeseMary Lou RettonButch ReynoldsManon RheaumeGrantland RiceJerry RiceHenri RichardMaurice RichardBob RichardsNolan RichardsonTex…

Brewer's: Cuckoo

A cuckold. The cuckoo occupies the nest and eats the eggs of other birds; and Dr. Johnson says “it was usual to alarm a husband at the approach of an adulterer by calling out `Cuckoo,'…