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Displaying 371 - 380

Herbert Clark Hoover

Herbert Clark HooverBorn: 8/10/1874Birthplace: West Branch, Iowa Herbert Clark Hoover was born at West Branch, Iowa, on Aug. 10, 1874, the first president to be born west of the Mississippi.…

The White House

The White House, the official residence of the president, is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC 20500. The site, covering about 18 acres, was selected by President Washington and…

Presidential Term Limits

The Question: Can a president serve more than two terms if they are not consecutive? For example, could former President Barack Obama have run for president again in 2016? The Answer: No, a…

1900 – 1909 World History

Sigmund Freud(1856–1939)Leo Baeck Inst./Archive PhotosHenri Matisse (1869–1954)The Library of Congress Picture CollectionW.E.B. Du Bois(1868–1963)The Library of Congress Picture…

human rights

(Encyclopedia) human rights, universal rights held to belong to individuals by virtue of their being human, encompassing civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights and freedoms, and…

McKinley, William

(Encyclopedia) McKinley, William, 1843–1901, 25th president of the United States (1897–1901), b. Niles, Ohio. He was educated at Poland (Ohio) Seminary and Allegheny College. After service in the…

reclamation of land

(Encyclopedia) reclamation of land, practice of converting land deemed unproductive into arable land by such methods as irrigation, drainage, flood control, altering the texture and mineral and…

Cabinet Members Under Truman

Secretary of State E. R. Stettinius, Jr. (Cont.)James F. Byrnes, 1945George C. Marshall, 1947Dean Acheson, 1949Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (Cont.)Frederick M. Vinson,…