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Brewer's: Israfil

Israfil' The angel of music, who possessed the most melodious voice of all God's creatures. This is the angel who is to sound the Resurrection Trump, and will ravish the ears of the saints…

Brewer's: Callipolis

A character in the Battle of Alcazar (1594) by George Peele. It is referred to by Pistol in 2 Henry IV., act ii. 4; and Sir W. Scott uses the word over and over again as the synonym of…

Brewer's: Childe

as Childe Harold, Childe of Ellechilde Waters, Childe Roland, Childe Tristram, Childe Arthur, etc. In all these cases the word “Childe” is a title of honour, like the infante and infanta…

Brewer's: Dariolet, Dariolette

(French). An intriguant, a confidant, a go-between, a pander. Originally a dariole meant a little sweetmeat or cake rayed with little bands of paste. “Dariolette, employé comme un des…

Brewer's: Girondists

(g soft). French, Girondins, moderate republicans in the first French Revolution. So called from the department of Gironde, which chose for the Legislative Assembly five men who greatly…

Brewer's: Angoulaffre

of the Broken Teeth, a giant “12 cubits in height.” His face measured 3 feet across; his nose was 9 inches long; his arms and legs were each 6 feet; his fingers 6 inches and 2 lines; his…

Men's Olympic Gymnastics: Floor Exercise

Floor ExerciseYear Points1932 Istvan Pelle, HUN 9.601936 Georges Miez, SWI 18.6661948 Ferenc Pataki, HUN 19.351952 William Thoresson, SWE 19.251956 Valentin Muratov, USSR 19.201960 Nobuyuki…

Tour de France

The 85th Tour de France (July 12-August 2) ran 21 stages plus a prologue, covering just over 2,400 miles starting in Dublin, Ireland, passing through the Pyrenees and the Alps and finishing…

Brewer's: Rouncival

Large, of gigantic size. Certain large bones of antediluvian animals were at one time said to be the bones of the heroes who fell with Roland in Roncesvalles. “Rounceval peas” are those…

Brewer's: Rowland

(See Roland.) Childe Rowland. Youngest brother of the “fair burd Helen.” Guided by Merlin, he undertook to bring back his sister from Elf-land, whither the fairies had carried her, and…