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Displaying 301 - 310

A. E. Housman: The Isle of Portland

The Isle of PortlandThe star-filled seas are smooth to-night From France to England strown; Black towers above the Portland light The felon-quarried stone.On yonder island, not to rise,…

A. E. Housman: The Lent Lily

The Lent Lily'Tis spring; come out to ramble The hilly brakes around, For under thorn and bramble About the hollow ground The primroses are found.And there's the windflower chilly With…

A. E. Housman: The Merry Guide

The Merry GuideOnce in the wind of morning I ranged the thymy wold; The world-wide air was azure And all the brooks ran gold.There through the dews beside me Behold a youth that trod, With…

A. E. Housman: The New Mistress

The New Mistress"Oh, sick I am to see you, will you never let me be? You may be good for something, but you are not good for me. Oh, go where you are wanted, for you are not wanted here." And…

A. E. Housman: The True Lover

The True LoverThe lad came to the door at night, When lovers crown their vows, And whistled soft and out of sight In shadow of the boughs."I shall not vex you with my face Henceforth, my…

A. E. Housman: The Welsh Marches

The Welsh MarchesHigh the vanes of Shrewsbury gleam Islanded in Severn stream; The bridges from the steepled crest Cross the water east and west.The flag of morn in conqueror's state Enters…

A. E. Housman: There pass the careless people

There pass the careless people That call their souls their own: Here by the road I loiter, How idle and alone.Ah, past the plunge of plummet, In seas I cannot sound, My heart and soul and…