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Phil Jackson

Phil JacksonBorn: Sept. 17, 1945Basketball NBA champion as reserve forward with New York in 1973 (injured when Knicks won in ‘70); coached Chicago to six NBA titles in eight years (1991-93,…

The Rolling Stones Biography

The Rolling Stonesrock band British rock band considered one of the most influential of all time. The Stones appeared on the music scene at about the same time as The Beatles and balanced…

Miscellaneous Units of Measure

Below is information about units of measure, including acre, bolt, gross, hertz, knot, light-year, parsec, pi, ream, sound, square, stone, and more. acreAn area of 43,560 square feet.…

Swinburne, Algernon Charles

(Encyclopedia) Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1837–1909, English poet and critic. His poetry is noted for its vitality and for the music of its language. After attending Eton (1849–53) and Oxford (1856…


Robert Anacletus UnderwoodLila Meade ValentineValmikiNydia VelázquezAnn M. VenemanJesse VenturaHenry WadeAn WangNancy Ward Maxine Waters(Alyce) Faye WattletonJ. C. WattsJohn and Eliza…


(Encyclopedia) hymn, song of praise, devotion, or thanksgiving, especially of a religious character (see also cantata). Early Christian hymnody consisted mainly of the Psalms and the great canticles…

Men's Olympic Tennis

Multiple gold medals (including men’s doubles): John Boland, Max Decugis, Laurie Doherty, Reggie Doherty, Arthur Gore, Andre Grobert, Nicolas Massu, Vincent Richards, Charles Winslow and…


1961—New York A.L. 4 (Ralph Houk); Cincinnati N.L. 1 (Fred Hutchinson). WP—New York: Ford (1, 4), Arroyo (3), Daley (5); Cincinnati: Jay (2). LP—New York: Terry (2); Cincinnati: O'Toole (1, 4…

Major Race Riots in the U.S.

Read about some of the most significant riots in U.S. history 1898: Wilmington, North Carolina While Democrats held power at the state level in North Carolina, a coalition of white…