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Becker, Carl Lotus

(Encyclopedia) Becker, Carl Lotus, 1873–1945, American historian, b. Blackhawk co., Iowa. He taught history at Dartmouth College (1901–2), at the Univ. of Kansas (1902–16), and at Cornell (1917–41).…

Wagner, Honus

(Encyclopedia) Wagner, HonusWagner, Honushōˈnŭs wăgˈnər [key], 1874–1955, American baseball player, b. Mansfield (now Carnegie), Pa. His real name was John Peter Wagner. He played semiprofessional…

Western Union Telegraph Company

(Encyclopedia) Western Union Telegraph Company, enterprise created (1851) to provide telegraphic communications services in the United States. Originally known as the New York and Mississippi Valley…

Berengar of Tours

(Encyclopedia) Berengar of ToursBerengar of Toursbĕˈrĭng–gər [key], c.1000–1088?, French theologian, also called Bérenger and Berengarius, b. Tours. He was archdeacon of Angers (c.1040–1060). After…

Pusey, Edward Bouverie

(Encyclopedia) Pusey, Edward BouveriePusey, Edward Bouveriepy&oomacr;ˈzē [key], 1800–1882, English clergyman, leader in the Oxford movement. Having studied at Christ Church College, Oxford, Pusey…


(Encyclopedia) pragmatismpragmatismprăgˈmətĭzəm [key], method of philosophy in which the truth of a proposition is measured by its correspondence with experimental results and by its practical…

Stoppard, Tom

(Encyclopedia) Stoppard, Tom, 1937–, English playwright, b. Zlín, Czechoslovakia (now in the Czech Republic), as Tomas Straussler. During his childhood he and his family moved to Singapore, later (…

Morgenthau, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Morgenthau, HenryMorgenthau, Henrymôrˈgənthô [key], 1856–1946, American banker, diplomat, and philanthropist, b. Germany; father of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. He emigrated to the United…

money-market fund

(Encyclopedia) money-market fund, type of mutual fund that invests in high-yielding, short-term money-market instruments, such as U.S. government securities, commercial paper, and certificates of…

Mar, John Erskine, 1st (or 6th) earl of

(Encyclopedia) Mar, John Erskine, 1st (or 6th) earl of, d. 1572, regent of Scotland. As Lord Erskine he was keeper of Edinburgh and Stirling castles, a source of much political strength. In the…