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Meyerbeer, Giacomo

(Encyclopedia) Meyerbeer, GiacomoMeyerbeer, Giacomojäˈkōmō mīˈyərbĕr [key], 1791–1864, German operatic composer. He traveled in Italy and experimented in various styles of composition, but his real…

Martinelli, Ricardo

(Encyclopedia) Martinelli, Ricardo (Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Berrocal) 1952–, Panamanian business executive and political leader. The son of Italian immigrants, he became the head of a successful…

María Luisa

(Encyclopedia) María LuisaMaría Luisamärēˈä [key]María Luisal&oomacr;ēˈsä [key], 1751–1819, queen of Spain, daughter of Duke Philip of Parma, consort of King Charles IV. Dissolute and…

Leo IX, Saint, pope

(Encyclopedia) Leo IX, Saint, 1002–54, pope (1049–54), a German named Bruno of Toul, b. Alsace; successor of Damasus II. A relative of Holy Roman Emperor Henry III, he was educated at Toul and was…


(Encyclopedia) Duran,&sp;DurandDuran,both: düräNˈ [key], or DuranteDuran,düräNtˈ [key], Jewish family of scholars. Profiat Isaac ben Moshe ha-Levi Duran, 1350–1414, called Efodi, was born…


(Encyclopedia) hallucination, false perception characterized by a distortion of real sensory stimuli. Common types of hallucination are auditory, i.e., hearing voices or noises and visual, i.e.,…

Kamprad, Ingvar Feodor

(Encyclopedia) Kamprad, Ingvar Feodor, 1926–, Swedish business executive. In 1943 he founded IKEA, which began selling low-priced furniture in 1947. In the 1950s the company began designing its own…

Resolution Trust Corporation

(Encyclopedia) Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), in U.S. history, government-owned company formed in 1989 to liquidate the assets of insolvent savings and loan associations (S&Ls). Essentially…


(Encyclopedia) pseudocyesispseudocyesiss&oomacr;ˌdōsīēˈsĭs [key], imaginary pregnancy in women usually resulting from a strong desire or need for motherhood. In the absence of conception, the…

Partch, Harry

(Encyclopedia) Partch, Harry, 1901–74, American composer, b. Oakland, Calif. Highly individualistic and largely self-taught, Partch rejected many of the traditions of Western music. He developed a…